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Mar, 2023
Evaluations start this weekend
One of the LL requirements is to hold player evaluations each year for all divisions except tee ball. This is done to allow us to assemble teams as evenly as possible and make sure players are placed in appropriate divisions. The evaluations are not tryouts as all registered players will be assigned to a team. It is very important to attend these evaluations.
Players at all levels will need to have their own glove and helmet. Cleats are highly recommended for all kid pitch players. The league will provide a jersey and hat to each player. Baseball pants should be worn by all kid pitch players. If you do not already have pants, it is recommended that you ask your coaches what color they prefer for this season.
The league will provide each team with a few bats but players are encouraged to bring their own. Little League requires all players in minors, machine, and tee ball to use bats with the USA Baseball certification logo. Intermediate and Juniors players can also use BBCOR bats but parents of Intermediate players are advised to speak with coaches before purchasing these larger and heavier bats.
We are still looking for coaches in our minors kid pitch, tee ball, and Juniors divisions. Tee ball operates in more of a group setting than the other divisions and we are still looking for a volunteer coordinator/coach to help lead this group and work with the coaches to make practices and games go smoothly. We have board members and Little League tee ball guides to help get going. Please contact Troy White (
[email protected]
) if you would like to volunteer to coach or coordinate tee ball. No experience is required to help out with tee ball or minors coaching.
The evaluation schedule will be as follows:
Minors kid pitch - Braden Field 2 on March 18 at 10am.
Intermediate and Juniors - Braden Field 2 on March 18 at 2pm.
Minors Machine Pitch - Braden Field 2 on March 25 at 10am.
Supplemental Evaluation - Braden Field 2 on March 25 at 12pm. Minors kid pitch and Intermediate players who miss the first evaluation may miss the first week of practices.
Tee Ball - Will start the week of April 3. Time and date tbd soon.
Braden Field 2 is located at 101 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD 20770. The field is behind the Greenbelt Aquatic and Fitness Center. Please park in the main parking lot and not on the dirt path to the field. Link with location: https://goo.gl/maps/brFQmBvXf9ab4ktQ8
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GYB Little League
PO Box 1621
Greenbelt, Maryland 20768
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[email protected]
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