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GYB Little League

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Sep, 2022

BINGO was a success!

Greenbelt Youth Baseball Little League are very grateful to many different people and we would like to take a minute to thank them:
Thank you to the families that trusted us to manage the memorial games.
Thank you to the all of the parents and volunteers that came out. You made this work and everyone went above and beyond. Especially all the kids selling the drinks. Special thanks to those that helped plan the event - especially Margie Sparks whose "historical knowledge" was invaluable. Without her, we wouldn't have had tarps, trays for the beans, instructions for the runners, and so on and so on.
Thank you to the students from ERHS National Honor Society. Your hard work and focus made the games possible. The games would have been very difficult without you. There were times I were worried until I saw several of you return for several shifts. You are all amazing.
Thank you to the Police who made attending the Festival feel safe. When you don't have to think about security, then security is doing things right.
Thank you to the Coop who came through by donating some much needed coin wrappers and beans. Plus they were are main source of ice throughout the Festival.
Thank you to the people who came to the games. It was great seeing all of the "professional" Bingo players, and all of the little kids learning to play, and everyone in between.
Thank you to the Festival, in particular Linda Ivy, for trusting us to manage the games. You took a chance on us and it is a great opportunity. And thank you for letting us use the sound system.
Thank you to Public Works for taking care of us by installing the lights and making sure we had what we need. You all worked hard to make us "look" good.
Special Thank You to St Hugh’s for allowing us to use their boards for our games. It was a wonderful gesture and a very Greenbelt thing to do by letting us reuse what we desperately needed.
I know I missed some people, and I'll post more as we remember them. If I missed you, know that I am thankful for you.
Thank you everyone,
Patrick Keaton
Greenbelt Youth Baseball Little League

GYB Little League

PO Box 1621 
Greenbelt, Maryland 20768
Email : [email protected]
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